Community Forum on Iraq: Iraq and It's People, Before and After
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Location: Vancouver Community Library, 901 C Street, Vancouver, WA 98660 , in the Klickitat Room
Cost: Free
Come and join LCSNW for a special presentation about the complicated history of Iraq and its people, before and after the wars.
Salih Al-Fahhem, who recently fled to Vancouver, Washington, has worked closely with the American military for over seven years. He understands this country like a native, but through the eyes of an individual.
His assistance to Americans and work with the U.S. military in Iraq led him to be considered in danger. He and his family members were subjected to ridicule by Iraqi religious sects, the community at large. Salih will describe what it was like to grow up in Iraq and to become an Iraqi rebel with a cause.
Lutheran Community Services NW helps refugees who are fleeing from persecution make a new life and become self-sufficient in the U.S.
Volunteer Tutor Conference March 16
See Portland Literacy Council website for more details:
Multnomah County Library's LEARN
This is our one-to-one tutoring program for adults learning to read. We have a number of people waiting to be matched. We're looking for volunteers who have some background teaching reading or who have experience in tutoring. We offer a 6 hour training on working with folks who may have learning disabilities. We would love to grow the program, but with 40 volunteers, we're at our maximum for time to be able to train and manage a larger volunteer base which is why, for now, we're recruiting folks who have worked in this area before. If you or someone you know has some experience and would like to pursue this rewarding volunteer opportunity, give Melissa a call at 503 988 6318.
For information on the next Literacy Tutor Training days with the Portland Literacy Council go to
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